Our socks come in three styles:
- Skinnys Performance hidden "sneaker cut" no-shows
- Skinnys Invisibles secret "liner cut" no-shows
- Skinnys Tubes "mid-calf" crew socks
Try both no-show styles in our No-Show Starter Pack or sample the Invisibles + Tubes together in our Weekender Pack!
All are cushioned with extra-thick looped terry to provide heel-wall padding that fills air gaps and helps you fit better in shoes.
Skinnys No-Shows: Performance vs Invisible
Summary about our no-shows: the Skinnys Performance are a bit thicker and more secure, and the Skinnys Invisibles are a bit lower cut.
All Skinnys no-show socks feature our signature orthotic-grade GripWrapTM silicone gel grips that envelop the sides of your heels in cushioned comfort, not just the backs.

Skinnys Performance
Skinnys Performance 3x-padded socks are simply perfect for everyday use.
They're cut with a hidden "sneaker contour" to stay concealed in most low-top shoes like athletic shoes or mens' dress shoes, and they feature a 3x-padded heel counter, making them the thickest no-shows available on the market today.

- Tennis shoes
- Walking shoes
- Mens dress shoes
- Laced Vans
- Chuck Taylors
If you're looking for maximum comfort, these are our most padded and secure no-show sock.
The Skinnys Performance are so secure (they'll never slip off!) because we weave them with a premium cuff that encircles your ankle.
Skinnys Invisibles
Skinnys Invisibles 2x-padded liners are the best anti-rubbing solution for slip-on shoes.
They've got a "secret liner" contour to remain invisible in most loafers and ladies' flats, and they feature a 2x-padded heel counter, unlike what you'll find in other peds or liners.
This style is the thickest liner-cut no-show available anywhere, and they're where we started our business.

- Loafers
- Ladies' flats
- Boat shoes (like Sperrys)
- Slip-on Vans
If you're looking for comfort with slip-on shoes, these are our most hidden (but still super-cushioned) no-show sock.
The Skinnys Invisibles are specially engineered to stay on with a stay-put elastic ankle band while remaining hidden.